Advertise With Us

We have a growing audience that we would love to expose your brand to. By advertising with us, we will place you at the epicenter of a vibrant audience. Isn’t it worth it?. Of course it is.


Our Publishers

The Independence Weekly is a weekly publication, and the official INDE PEN DENCE brand magazine. It also has an above average open and click rate that is increasing every week.

Publication Type



Max Size

Email Newsletter

800 px x 150 px

.jpeg, .gif, .png

100 kb


Weekly (1 edition): 5,000/=

Monthly (4 editions): 15,000/=


Your Benefits

  • Create and manage your campaigns
  • Upload your own ads
  • Get weekly reports
  • Get published


Isn’t that what you are looking for? Let me take you through the start up process then.

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